jeudi 22 mai 2014

China develops Agri-business in Africa

The distrust towards the Chinese presence in the African agriculture sector concerns in particular " the massive cornering of lands, to feed China ", the slowness of the model of cooperation, an orchestration centralized by the government, etc. Tech Expert invites the African governments to take advantage of the Chinese experience in agricultural material.

Investment of China in African agri-business

The interventions of the Chinese actors in the farming sector do not risk blocking the agri-business development of the continent. The land acquisitions are not as well important as we say it, the agricultural projects serve first and foremost the food needs in countries or regions (rice, truck farming, sugar, etc.) and have not for object to be exported to satisfy the food needs for China. There is within the Chinese administration a will to set up sectors of transformation of farm produces, to create income locally: it's like that some sugar, some cotton, some leather etc.

Both development can be possible

We are at a moment the history where the crossed looks are necessary, even essential. The experience of development of China can contribute to feed a model of cooperation with Africa, but this model also has to feed on lessons past and accumulated by the other investors as well as the lessons accumulated by the African decision-makers that they are in the Central Administrations or NGO(NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION), or begun. Just like China has NO solution to its model of agricultural development in China because of still very low weak standards of living in countryside and of politics which have still excluded many farmers, Africa also has teachings to be given in China provided that this one agrees to analyze the trajectories of each of the countries.
In brief, a politics based on the improvement of the conditions of the agri-business is possible. In Africa, since the structural adjustments, agricultural policies underwent a severe lapel. If the State was strongly slandered in its management of big sectors as the cotton, the coffee, the cocoa in the eighties and ninety, the liberalization did not give all the expected results.

vendredi 2 mai 2014

China's market of pork

The market of pork

China opened its doors to the French delicatessen, an agreement this way was finalized on Wednesday, March 26th during the visit of the Chinese president, Xi Jinxing, in Paris, restoring a little of breath in a sector in trouble.
Three French companies of delicatessen can export their products towards the gigantic Chinese market in the next weeks. Seven other companies should receive later such an authorization.
France was the first European country to be able to export of the fresh pork aimed in China, in 2005. But at the moment the exchanges remained confidential.
Both countries also signed a draft agreement to develop the export of reproductive boars towards China, to improve the quality of the Chinese pig breeding’s with the know-how in porcine genetics of France.
Several agreements were already tied this way, such that between the French Institute of the pork (IFIP) and the Chinese public group Bright Food in September, 2013. This protocol will allow multiplying this type of cooperation.

Market research on pork in China

The pork is the meat the most consumed in China, and pork on two in the world is Chinese.
Russia was for years the most important market of the European Union for the export of pork. Nevertheless, in 2011, China replaced Russia to become pork's biggest export market of the Union.
As bigger producer and consumer of pork of the world, China raised its requirements regarding safety of the pork, what pushed the demand growth in pork of the Union, what is of better quality. Besides the normal pork, the Union also exported towards China the other by-products, as heads, giblets, chops and feet of pork. The consumption of these products is very low in the countries of the Union. However, they correspond to the taste of the Chinese.